
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Houston: Inspired and Hip - New Mural at Old Market Square makes the point in Vivid Colors, not just black and white

May 8, 2013 UPDATE: Downtown dwellers and Market Square aficionados have had a chance to enjoy Houston's newest display of mural art for a few weeks already. Now that the Houston Chronicle has plastered a picture of it on the front page ("Making a splash for the arts", May 8), the rest of the greater metropolitan area gets to partake of the feast of colors too. 

Will it persuade the folks in the burbs to take a new look at Downtown, or at least at Market Square, and the new restaurants that are sprouting in its vicinity? If not, the new mural will at least enliven the street scene for out-of-town visitors venturing forth from their hotels, and do so in a much more inspiring fashion than the ubiquitous orange-colored barrels and other objects  associated with demolition and construction activity, and Downtown streets being torn up for one reason or other.   

Houston Inspired Campaign Mural: Hip, Tasty, Funky, and Savvy too
H-Town self-promotion: Mural near Old Market Square - Hotel Icon behind

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