
Monday, January 28, 2013

Pistolero in old Nabi space on Lower Westheimer; cantina with curbside cacti (updated post)

Pistolero's, a Tequila-Taqueria concept, succeeds Nabi. 

Nice image of Mexican pistol man on new signage for tequila joint, but the yellow paintjob on the building when it was NABI accented its unusual shape much better than the new one. That said, the cacti and other succulents on the curb add a nice South-of-the-border touch. 

New Pistoleros cantina on Lower Westheimer with cacti lining the parking lot
(Pistoleros pics added 7/9/2013)

Remodeling work ongoing as of last week at what used to be NABI Asian fusion bistro on Lower Westheimer:

Remodeling work at restaurant property 517 Westheimer Rd Houston TX 77006
Something is cooking at the NABI restaurant location, but what? 

1517 Westheimer Rd. Restaurant property location (1/24/2013 photo)
NABI's look before make-over (Sep 2012 photo)

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