
Curated Sitemap

A sitemap with an organized inventory of links (arranged by categories) is forthcoming. In the meantime, there a links here to separate pages on the following topically-coherent photo collections:

The Bridges of Buffalo Bayou including
road bridges and pedestrian and bike crossings 


Bayou City Cultural and Event Venues

Below is a composite of the inaugural photos posted to the H-Town Photo Blog when I started it last year, mostly related to Buffalo Bayou and the bike and hike trails, and to cultural sites, institutions, and buildings. Unfortunately the mosaic display option (among the dynamic view variants available) takes too long to load because it retrieves each photo individually. Therefore, it does not seem a good idea to set it as a default. I am using the "SIDEBAR" display option instead, but the other ones my be selected by the visitor through the drop-down menu in the left-side margin.
This is screen-shot that does not pose the high-kilobyte long-loadtime problem. 
I just realized -- after a quick Google query -- that CURATED SITEMAP may be a neologism. So, I suppose I should venture a definition or at least an explanation. 

Most sitemaps are generated by software (often on autopilot, i.e. compiled or updated periodically on a predetermined schedule) and are nothing more than a separate specially-designated page that contains a listing of links to all other pages on a website, and thus provides direct access to them for search engine spiders when pages are updated. 
A curated site map, by contrast, is constructed manually and put together in a meaningful fashion, i.e. by grouping pages (or rather links to them, with suitable anchor text) and placing them in a hierarchy of categories and sub-categories for use by humans. Because a single page (or set of photos, in my case) may fall under several categories, it may be double-listed, possibly with varying anchor text (rather than merely with the page title or file-name as anchor-text in the hyper-link).

In short, a curated site map is a map that is created by a human for humans, not just for search engine spiders prowling the web. 

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